I’m going to see the Black Keys tonight and I AM SO EXCITED.  I even wore green pants (and then immediately spilled coffee on them) in honour of actually going to the big city and milling about in a crowd.  The thing that sucks, though, is having to take a ferry over to Vancouver to see the concert, and then taking the ferry back tomorrow.   I don’t mind living on an island, until I want to get off it.  If you live on an island, then you know exactly what I mean.  If you’re on the mainland you can just get in your car and drive wherever you want, at whatever speed you want.  Leaving here is like driving whatever speed you want to the ferry, waiting for usually two and half hours to actually get to the other side, and then speeding off again.  It’s a hiccup in an otherwise fun trip (in my opinion).

Though I dislike the ferries, the hardest thing about going over for the concert will be eating well while I’m over there.  I have a bit of jerky and almonds that I’ve brought with me, but I’m not used to staying up really late and having to wake up really early to catch a ferry.  I’ve got to be on my game and make sure that I don’t binge on sugar because I’m sleepy and need to wake up (which tends to happen).  I’ve already prepped myself by eating a huge breakfast and bringing a huge lunch to work with me.  Hopefully, I’ll eat a big enough dinner that I won’t be dreaming about candy when I’m outwardly dancing to “Sister”.   Breakfast could be iffy, maybe I’ll eat on the ferry.  They have pretty decent breakfasts (bacon & eggs), I think.

I find it amusing that going away for the evening takes so much planning in the food department.  I feel like I’m planning a heist or something.  I just don’t want to be caught unawares by a debilitating licorice craving and have no choice but to give in.  I guess this just goes to show that eating well is an effort, but completely doable.  Just plan for it!  So, despite my worries about finding food, I AM GOING TO SEE THE BLACK KEYS AND TAKE PICTURES AND DANCE AND HAVE MY EARDRUMS EXPLODE.

Begin again.

I’m good at a lot of things.  Spelling, driving, making faces, high fiving, you know, all the important stuff in life.  However, I am not very good at sticking to a plan, or having any kind of system.  My boyfriend constantly pokes fun at my inability to follow a method.  To be honest, I have no idea how I have arrived at this point in my life by doing things the way I do.  I tend to unconsciously rebel against following plan (like I never bake something the same way twice even if I made it perfect the last time, and I never follow recipes to the word). The thought of setting up a system is fun, for a bit, but sticking to it?  No, thank you.  I’ve tried to many times to regiment my exercise and diet to make it easier, but it’s like the inner me just says “hell no, what are you doing thinking of strapping me in to a plan?  How dare you!”.  I don’t really know what kind of thing would be better suited for me, as I believe having a plan makes the most sense (though I dislike it so).

I think part of the problem is I am bored easily, very easily.  I have a short attention span and my mind is constantly being distracted by things to do, things to look at, places to go, and other random stuff that just pops in there (I may be the worst person to hold a conversation with).   Hell, my stories don’t even have a beginning and an end because it takes too much focus to put one together!   So….my question to you is: what has worked for you?  What have you done to make your exercise/nutrition regimen plan work? Do you strictly follow a plan, or do you just set general guidelines?  I’m very curious.